
Biden And Pelosi Make 2020 Election Move – They Demand Voting Take Place Remotely And By Mail,,,

America has been turned upside down, but that doesn’t mean the 2020 election will be stopped. But it does look like Democrats are happy to use to push forward their agenda Now both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are pushing forward liberal voting policies we wouldn’t have dreamed of doing on a national level until now.  Here’s what Joe Biden wants to do, from Breitbart: Biden said, “[T]here would be no rationale for eliminating or delaying the election. It may be virtual.” Biden also suggested drive-in voting as another possibility and predicted that there will be more absentee voting. Virtual? Drive-in voting? How would we make sure voting is secure? That only people who are supposed to vote will vote, and just once? Did they see what happened when they tried to do remote voting in the Iowa caucus? Clearly there are far more questions than there are answers. And Pelosi is joining on the fun. From CNBC: “In terms of the elections, I think we’ll probably be moving to